About us

Gazpack is a company founded in 2006, which manufactures fully customer-specific installations for cleaning oil gas and biogas. With the patented Sulaway® desulfurization method, we are able to convert raw biogas into several usable products without any waste.

Gazpack was founded in 2006 as a research division at Airpack Nederland BV. Airpack’s activities in the international oil and gas industry led to the question of founder Mr. JP Warnar as to how gas flaring could be either reduced or converted into usable products. Oil wells not only contain oil but also gas that is extracted during the oil drilling. This oil gas is highly contaminated and therefore often not used but flared off instead.

Some methods for cleaning this oil gas were already on the market, but had large disadvantages such as a high amount of waste product. This led to the search for a new and better way to clean oil gas.

History of Gazpack

After 8 years of extensive research together with several universities a new desulfurization method was developed that converts the contaminated oil gas into several useful products. The patented Sulaway® method was tested in laboratories, but still needed to show its full potential on a larger scale. A pilot version of the installation needed to be built and tested. Due to strict regulations in the oil and gas industry and the distant locations of the oil wells, Gazpack decided to look for an alternative test location closer to home.

Biogas turned out to be very similar in composition to oil gas, making it the perfect alternative to test the pilot installation of Gazpack. After successful testing the patented system has now been fully developed to be implemented in both oil and gas and biogas industry. Both industries will benefit from a highly innovative and high quality product that produces clean gas, usable sulfur gas and sulfuric acid without any waste.

Our team

Piet Warnar
Piet Warnar - President
Petra Warnar - Vice President
Ramon Dorreman​
Ramon Dorreman
Elaine Noomen
Elaine Noomen
Corry Schijven
Corrie Schijven


Flare Desulfurization Whitepaper