A large-scale upgrading solution: SULAWAY®

The Sulaway® unit is the heart of the Gazpack installation and fully customer specific. Our Suluway® is built  to convert large capacities of biogas to biomethane (>1500 Nm³/h). Therefore, a wide range of capacities can be achieved. Thus, we can offer solutions for large-scale upgrading and the system can handle high H₂S content.

Gazpack Sulaway Unit
Gazpack Sulaway Unit


1: Grid injection

In order to comply with the climate commitment made at the COP21 in Paris, all gas supply must by renewable and decarbonised by 2050. Therefore, Gazpack is delivering a high-quality system which can provide a biomethane purity up to 99.5%. Moreover, we can clean the biogas until it complies with de Wobbe index (44-55 MJ/Nm3), which
makes it possible to inject it into the gas grid. 

2: C02 recovery

Additionality, our Sulaway® system must remove CO2 to deliver high quality biomethane. The carbon gas can be liquefied and stored, which means an extra stream of revenue is feasible within our system. Due to liquification of our high-quality CO2, it is possible to use it for green houses or sell it to the food and beverage

3: Acid Water

The third outgoing stream of the Gas purifier is H2S, which is transformed into acid water by our quencher. Acid water can be
used for fermentation, as well as for batteries.
The essence of the Gazpack system is that it is a closed loop system that
produces a limited amount of waste compared to other gas cleaning systems.
Waste disposal, especially when saturated with sulfur, is costly and
environmentally unfriendly. 



The Sulaway® unit is built according to the highest quality and safety standards in the industry. The main features of the package are explained below.

Safety instruments

All pressure-regulated instruments are pneumatically controlled. In case of alarm or shutdown, the installation will automatically stop and all instruments will turn to their safe positions.

Gas enclosure

The unit is completely enclosed by a gas tight enclosure. In case of an emergency or gas leak the installation is stopped and a process is started to burn off excess gas in the system through an incinerator, which is part of the quencher. There is always a backup supply of nitrogen in order to have a safe shutdown.

Energy usage

Several high power components are used inside the Sulaway® system. Nevertheless, the complete energy balance is well thought out. For example; heat generated by the compressor is used for the regeneration of the Sulabeads®. Additionally, the water collected from the saturated gas is used in the quenching process; only a small amount of additional water might be required.

Standby safety purge system

For purging of the Sulaway® unit, inflammable Carbon Dioxide can be used. The Carbon Dioxide can be filtered out of the green gas by means of membranes which can be added as an additional part of the package.


Flare Desulfurization Whitepaper